how to facet
gemstone main cabochon creation
mineral data
Mineral Name: rhodochrosite
Gem Names: rhodochrosite
Chemistry: MnCO3
Class: carbonate
Crystal Sys: trigonal
Hardness: 4 Specific Gravity: 3.25 - 3.70
Fracture: conchoidal Refractive Index: 1.60 - 1.82
Dispersion: 0.015
Misc Prop: Rhodochrosite is a carbonate and hence not overly hard and it can be attacked with acids, thus it must be cared for properly. It is beautiful pink color often with two or more tones. The very purest material has been successfully faceted but faceted stones are rare and mainly collector items.

The lovely pink color comes from the manganese. It often forms in stripes or agate-like patterns. It has been found as stalactites with concentric bands from the center out.

When very pure it is a raspberry red color and transparent. Very fine crystals have been found in Colorado at the Sweet Home Mine. Faceted stones from this locale tend to head to museums. Because the tone is soft, has perfect cleavage planes and is both heat sensitive and acid sensitive it is rarely used in jewelry as a faceted stone.

Color: In gemstones, color, is often the key to naming or describing the particular variety. Hence look for this information below in the various descriptions. Color, opacity, and homogeneity often determine the placement of value on any given stone, and are all optical properties of the particular stone.
Specific Images:
cabochons and polished rough