how to facet
gemstone main cabochon creation
mineral data
Mineral Name: beryl
Gem Names: aquamarine - emerald - morganite - goshenite - helidor - bixbite - golden
Chemistry: Al2Be3Si6O18
Class: silicates (cyclo)
Crystal Sys: hexagonal
Hardness: 7.5 - 8 Specific Gravity: 2.35 - 2.91
Fracture: conchoidal Refractive Index: 1.562 - 1.602
Dispersion: 0.014 (0.009 - 0.014)
Misc Prop: The particular gemstone name comes from the impurities and color of the beryl. Clear/colorless beryl is called goshenite and has no predomenant colorant. It can be obtained in larger sizes but is not particularly sought.

Emerald is the green form of beryl, and is always colored by chromium. Emerald is virtually always flawed and/or conitains impurities as it does not crytallize into clean crystals. It is the most expensive beryl by far and can be found in a good seleciton of sizes.

The blue beryl is known as Aquamarine and is often very pure and flawless. It ranges from light blue to dark sky blue and the colorant is iron. Aquamarine has been found in all size categories, the darker the blue the more valuable the stone.

Morganite is a pink to violet colored beryl, and may also be a peachy color. It is colored by manganese.

Red Beryl is actually more rare than all others and is a cherry red in color. It only occurs in small crystals and most stones are less than 1 ct. in size. It too is colored by manganese. Due to its small size and rarety it is not often seen in jewelry.

Helidor is a yellow-green beryl that gets its color from iron.

Golden Beryl is similar to helidor but is more yellow to yellow-orangish in color. It too gets it color from iron. It is one of the more common beryl colors. It is available in a wide variety of shades and sizes and less expensive than aquamarine and emerald.

Color: In gemstones, color, is often the key to naming or describing the particular variety. Hence look for this information below in the various descriptions. Color, opacity, and homogeneity often determine the placement of value on any given stone, and are all optical properties of the particular stone.
Specific Data:
very modern cut of a sea-foam green gemstone
very pale stone
pale melee stones
3 nice red stones
pear shaped stone
triangular stone
scissors cut stone
rectagular stone
square cut stone
pair of oval cut stones