Name: |
cryptomelane |
Class: |
Oxide/Hydroxides |
Chemistry: |
KMn8O16 potassium manganese oxide |
Color(s): |
steel gray to bluish black, sometimes dull gray or sub-metallic |
Hardness: |
6 - 6.5 |
SpecGrav: |
4.36 |
Fracture: |
conchoidal |
Cleavage: |
unknown |
Crystal: |
Monoclinic, pseudo tetragonal, often botryoidal, fine grained or fibrous. |
Envronment: |
secondary mineral in manganese ore deposits |
Association: |
pyrolusite, manganite |
Locals: |
| N.C., Arkansas, Arizona, Montana, USA | S. Africa | Ghana | Brazil | Australia | |
Misc: |
Part of a series of minerals with the general formula AB8O16 where the A represents, Ba, K, Na, Pb, Sr, Y, and the B is taken from the list, Cr, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ti, and V. The minerals include, Coronadite, Priderite, Hollandite, Manjiroite, Mannardite, and Redledgeite. |
Photos |
1.) Mina Garais, Brazil |
4.) Reaphook Hill, Flinders Ridge, Austrailia |